Vino & Vinyasa January 2024 is in the books!

What an incredible event! We had a very full group – all ages, abilities, and approaches.

Above all else, though, was an amazing feeling of fun and community.

Let me break down the day for you (and be sure to join the Shala or the V&V interest list so you can join in the next one!)

10:30a and we are off and running!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day, especially considering it is January. Even in SoCal the weather can be cold and rainy – in fact it rained all week in the run up to the event. By Saturday though, the weather was a balmy 78 and sunny!

Our team arrived at 9:30a to set up and get ready for the arrival of our guests. We gave everyone a little time to check in, find their spot, and get the lay of the land. The Cheval Winery is set in the hills of Escondido, CA and provided a (mostly) peaceful and serene atmosphere. We were able to tune out the lovely sound of the saw next door with the power of yoga focus!

As we kicked off the event, I wanted to assure everyone that this was their time, their practice, and to be sure to use any options and variations they wanted and that I would also provide some along the way. We were there to work at our on level, in our own way, and have some fun.

Once we got going, I was delighted to see many people doing just that – taking the options they wanted and smiling along the way.

Once we got rolling on our balance flow, it was time to kick things up a notch or two and break out the (plastic) wine glasses!

Filled with water – because we didn’t want to risk and wine spills – we set about doing a few postures like king dancer, warrior III, and boat all with our glasses in hand. Lots of “cheers”, hand offs, and laughter along the way.

Time for some goodies!

We finished up our first flow with some partner stretches and then dove into some delicious munchies including vegan options, courtesy of Dena David, and of course some wine tasting.

Relax, wander, and ponder

We wanted to be sure to allow time to explore the property, journal if wanted (everyone got a journal in their gift bag), and just relax into the day.

Restorative yoga with meditation and sound bath to round out the day

Continuing the vibe into the afternoon, we concluded the retreat with restorative yoga, extended meditation to let go of overthinking, and a sound bath. Special thanks to my assistant for the day Nicole Martinez, for giving everyone the calming lavender scent experience!

Vino and Vinyasa comes to a close – for today

We had so much fun! Everyone was really lovely and open to trying new things, making new friends and new memories.

While it was a wrap for the day, lots of ideas and learnings to sift through to begin planning the next event!

Don’t miss out! Join the LAYLO Shala or sign up for the info waitlist for the retreat you are interested in attending.

Have an idea for a retreat you’d like to attend? Let us know!

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍