This is LAYLO yoga & wellness, a place where you get to invite yoga and wellness into your life in a way that is doable, sustainable, and supportive of the person you are (or want to become!)

Laura Aiello

Hi! I’m Laura and I love yoga! But to be honest, that was not always the case.

I’ve spent over 30 years in the fitness industry, teaching group fitness classes and even leading group fitness departments for global gym chains.

I have taught practically everything over the years and tried repeatedly to get into yoga. But I really hated it!

First of all, after so many years of hard-core workouts, slowing down and just “stretching” was tough to do. Secondly, as a person who suffers from chronic migraines, inversions were a killer! And finally, every yoga class I attended seemed more like a secret club where you had to already know all the names of the postures (often in Sanskrit!), and how to perform them. Very little instruction seemed to be given for those basic movements like down dog.

Eventually, I went to a class that a fitness friend taught. She was very clear on how to get into and out of even the most basic postures. She tied what we did to how it helped us in a functional way. She gave options for those postures that were not comfortable for me.

And BOOM! I was hooked!

I got certified to teach and began teaching in 2017.

As I began to develop my style, I realized I taught most of my classes to people like me. People who wanted to practice yoga but felt somewhat excluded from the style of many classes: too fast, not practical for Gen Xers, too woo woo, and no practical application in their life apart from going to the class itself.

And so LAYLO yoga & wellness was born.

Our retreats are designed with YOU in mind.

LAYLO yoga & wellness is a place where real yoga and real life intersect. You get to make yoga personal, for the way you want to implement it.

Yoga can be fun and social!

Our Vino & Vinyasa retreat was created as a way to have fun with friends, make new friends, and maybe find a new favorite wine!

Yoga can be accessible to you.

Wherever you are at in your life, Explore Yoga is all about learning. If you are brand new to yoga, this is the place for you. If you have been practicing for ages, this is still the place for you! The focus is on the basics, the options, and the real practice of encouraging rather than competing.

Yoga can support you with challenges.

Yoga for Trauma is an incredible experience that will offer you understanding and tools to deal with symptoms of trauma or emotional distress. While this retreat is not meant to treat or diagnose any psychological conditions, this retreat can be a powerful instrument when used in conjunction with your current course of treatment. *Please consult your mental health provider or doctor before attending.

Yoga can be an introduction to meditation.

If you think meditation is all about emptying your mind or focusing on nothing, guess again! Meditation is flexible; it’s a mindset, it’s movement, it’s connecting your inner and outer world. The Meditation Retreat is an online retreat that will teach you how to incorporate meditation into your day in a practical and doable manner.

Yoga can enhance your athletic performance.

Many of the world’s top athletes practice yoga! It helps with their flexibility, mobility, and concentration. The Yoga for Athletes retreat is for you, the everyday-at-the-gym person, the weekend warrior, or even the life-is-a-sport kind of competitor.

Yoga can be whatever you want it to be.

Custom retreats are designed for what you and your group need. Corporate team building, bridal party pre-wedding treat, yoga in uniform for police, firefighters, and military. Your request, we collaborate, LAYLO yoga & wellness delivers.

We LOVE our clients – and they love us! Check out what some of our recent participants are saying:

“I have had such stiffness in my legs and lower back. I feel like working with Laura I have experienced improvement with this, as well as gaining strength, mobility, and better balance.” – Chi, student

I loved my previous online yoga teacher but she stopped teaching. I never thought I would find another one but then I found Laura! I love the variety of challenges, how she allows people to practice per their limits, and the pace of the class. I leave feeling relaxed and well-stretched from all angles. Plus, her sense of humor makes the class fun. ” – Sharmila Karnik, student

“I like the flexibility to focus on whatever I need on any given day. Stretching my muscles, clearing my mind or just retreating to my spiritual place. I can feel my flexibility and mobility have increased.” – Tricia, student

My past instructors were often rushing positions. I enjoy Laura’s pacing and always giving us options. Her caring attitude and new sessions every class allow me to feel 100% emotionally and physically revived!” – Zenia Jungowski, student

Quality & budget-friendly

With multiple lengths of retreats, payment options, and online retreats and freebies, you can find a way to practice yoga your way AND on your budget!


5% of profits go to charity

The International Rhino Foundation is near and dear to my heart. When we let a species under our care die out, we lose a little piece of our humanity.

refund policy Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

A transparent refund policy

While we hope you can attend any chosen Retreat, we know sometimes life gets in the way! Please review our refund policy when selecting your Retreat.

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