Deepen your practice by working one-on-one in a private session with Laura.

private yoga

Together we will identify your goals and work to achieve them. Whether you’re interested in focusing on the physical asana or taking the teachings of yoga off the mat, we will provide a safe space to grow and develop your yoga practice – one sun salutation at a time!

This is a unique opportunity for individuals who are ready to level up their yoga practice and get more out of their practice, on and off the mat. Will you be one of them?


  1. Tailored Practice: When you work one-on-one with a yoga teacher, it’s like having a personal yoga concierge! They tailor every pose and sequence to suit your unique body, needs, and goals. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter routines and hello to a practice that’s all about you.
  2. Personalized Attention: In private sessions, you get all the attention! No more feeling lost in a sea of mats in a crowded class. Your teacher is there solely for you, offering hands-on adjustments, alignment cues, and encouragement to help you deepen your practice safely.
  3. Dive Deeper: Ever wanted to master that tricky triangle pose or nail a perfect Warrior II? Private sessions give you the chance to focus on specific poses or aspects of yoga that you want to explore further. It’s like having a yoga buddy who’s dedicated to helping you reach your goals.
  4. Stress-Free Environment: Let’s face it, sometimes group classes can feel a bit intimidating or distracting. With private sessions, you can leave all that behind. It’s just you, your mat, and your teacher in a cozy, stress-free environment where you can truly unwind and focus on your practice.
  5. Flexibility & Mobility(Not Just Stretching!): Life can be hectic, and finding time for self-care can feel like a challenge. That’s where private yoga sessions shine! You and your teacher can work together to find a schedule that fits seamlessly into your busy life. Whether it’s early morning, lunch break, or late evening, you can make time for your practice without the stress of rushing to a class.
laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍

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