slow flow

There are so many ways to practice and enjoy yoga. Knowing what you like and wish to get out of it is key to creating a practice that you not only love but will continue to do.

That’s why slow flow is totally my jam – as a student and as a teacher!

What is slow flow? It is a Vinyasa style, but rather than going breath to movement on every posture or even most postures, you spend a little more time on holds. That usually translates to 3-5 breaths on more than 50% of the postures.

This is why I love it:

Time to master a posture your way

While it is true that we are basically constructed the same way, we each deal with many little nuances, deviations, injuries, and even limb lengths. Some of us might be working through a shoulder injury. Perhaps you have wide-set hips. Maybe you are a little knock-kneed or bowl-legged. Maybe you are tall – but do you have long legs and a short torso or short legs but a long torso?

Pretty quickly you can see how these structural differences affect your everyday life. Well, your yoga practice is no different.

The challenge I have with a fast-paced Vinyasa practice is that there is not a lot of time to figure out how to get into/out of or adapt a posture for your unique circumstances. The amount of time needed to move my short legs is going to be less than my longer-legged friends.

If I have a hip issue (which, as many of you know, I do) then half-moon is going to need some adaptation to get my hip to rotate.

The problem is, if we are just zipping through the class, we don’t get much opportunity to make those adaptations, try some different variants, or even do something else altogether that still keeps us in the flow.

The result tends to be unhealthy compromises in form, frustration with awkward positions or being left behind, and just plain feeling blah about the whole thing.

On the flip side, if we are taking 3-5 breaths in numerous postures, you have time to tweak it to fit your body or even just do something else that fits into the flow. To me, this means you have a chance to make the session your own.

Slow flow lets you get into your props

I am a big believer in using your props!

BLOCKS bring the ground closer to you.

STRAPS make your arms longer.

BOLSTERS allow you to feel supported.

These additional pieces of equipment are huge in keeping you safe while you expand your practice. One of the big reasons why people say they can’t do yoga is that they aren’t flexible enough.

That is why you use props! They give you the support you need to accomplish a posture without sacrificing your form. Props allow you the opportunity to begin to increase your flexibility, mobility, and strength while keeping you safe.

They meet you where you are and support you in getting where you want to go.

However, if we are moving in a fast-paced environment you will not have much time to get your props out and use them.

So what tends to happen is that form begins to get compromised and the potential for injury goes up. Not to mention a general lack of progress in the areas of flexibility and mobility!

This is especially challenging if you are new(er) to yoga and trying to make some gains in these areas. While it is true that you can practice this at home, realistically, many people attend classes and don’t always spend a lot of time practicing outside the class environment, especially when they are new!

Give yourself a crack at the toughest part of yoga – your mind!

This may just be a “me” thing, but the hardest part of a yoga practice/class is not the physical asanas. It’s the mental act of slowing, calming, and quieting the mind.

We are in a constant state of doing, especially in the U.S. Being, allowing ourselves to slow down, learning to see our thoughts and realize that they come and go, this is actually tough stuff for many of us.

Meditation is a great place to practice the art of simply being. Yoga is a moving meditation. If you let it, it can help you find a balance between movement – doing – and being. Yoga lets you practice observing thoughts and understanding that you are not your thoughts.

“I cannot possibly hold this position another second” but then you do. “My balance sucks” except there you are, standing on one leg and NOT falling over (at least not right away!).

Our minds are telling us crap basically all. day. long. Yoga helps us practice the art of seeing the crap and letting it go so we can get down to the reality of that moment.

As a teacher, I can accommodate more levels with slow flow

I teach in multi-level environments. I don’t really even like to say “levels” because, to me, yoga is all one level with many variations. But for the sake of this article, I will use the word levels since we have an understanding of what that looks like.

Let’s say I ask everyone to move into a Forward Fold. Some people may wish to take Rag Doll so they feel more support for their back. Others may do a Half-Way Lift to accommodate their flexibility. Still others may go into a Headstand if that is part of their practice.

If we are moving at a quick pace, there will not be time for some of those variations, or even time for me to suggest some of the variations.

In a situation where people with different backgrounds are coming into the same class, slowing down let’s me allow them to practice in the way they want to.

At the end of the day, your practice is your own. As a teacher, I am providing a map but the students are taking the journey.

All approaches are welcome!

In conclusion, I want to be clear on one thing: this is why I love slow flow. Others may have different reasons for loving it. Still others may dislike this kind of practice.

And it’s all good.

The thing I continue to marvel at about yoga is that it really is for everyone. The way you choose to practice is up to you. Perhaps you like even longer holds. Maybe going at a fast pace, one breath to each movement is your first love. You may like to focus on strength. Or a specific series of postures.

There are just as many ways to practice as there are people.

You do you, BooBoo!

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍



Vino & Vinyasa January 2024 is in the books!

What an incredible event! We had a very full group – all ages, abilities, and approaches.

Above all else, though, was an amazing feeling of fun and community.

Let me break down the day for you (and be sure to join the Shala or the V&V interest list so you can join in the next one!)

10:30a and we are off and running!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day, especially considering it is January. Even in SoCal the weather can be cold and rainy – in fact it rained all week in the run up to the event. By Saturday though, the weather was a balmy 78 and sunny!

Our team arrived at 9:30a to set up and get ready for the arrival of our guests. We gave everyone a little time to check in, find their spot, and get the lay of the land. The Cheval Winery is set in the hills of Escondido, CA and provided a (mostly) peaceful and serene atmosphere. We were able to tune out the lovely sound of the saw next door with the power of yoga focus!

As we kicked off the event, I wanted to assure everyone that this was their time, their practice, and to be sure to use any options and variations they wanted and that I would also provide some along the way. We were there to work at our on level, in our own way, and have some fun.

Once we got going, I was delighted to see many people doing just that – taking the options they wanted and smiling along the way.

Once we got rolling on our balance flow, it was time to kick things up a notch or two and break out the (plastic) wine glasses!

Filled with water – because we didn’t want to risk and wine spills – we set about doing a few postures like king dancer, warrior III, and boat all with our glasses in hand. Lots of “cheers”, hand offs, and laughter along the way.

Time for some goodies!

We finished up our first flow with some partner stretches and then dove into some delicious munchies including vegan options, courtesy of Dena David, and of course some wine tasting.

Relax, wander, and ponder

We wanted to be sure to allow time to explore the property, journal if wanted (everyone got a journal in their gift bag), and just relax into the day.

Restorative yoga with meditation and sound bath to round out the day

Continuing the vibe into the afternoon, we concluded the retreat with restorative yoga, extended meditation to let go of overthinking, and a sound bath. Special thanks to my assistant for the day Nicole Martinez, for giving everyone the calming lavender scent experience!

Vino and Vinyasa comes to a close – for today

We had so much fun! Everyone was really lovely and open to trying new things, making new friends and new memories.

While it was a wrap for the day, lots of ideas and learnings to sift through to begin planning the next event!

Don’t miss out! Join the LAYLO Shala or sign up for the info waitlist for the retreat you are interested in attending.

Have an idea for a retreat you’d like to attend? Let us know!

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us onΒ Instagram,Β Facebook,Β YouTube,Β andΒ Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍


options and variations

Options and variations are not dirty words, I promise!

Sometimes it feels like the attitude is push, push push. “Feel the burn” (remember that little gem?!).

Most forms of movement, including yoga, have many ways they can be performed but for some reason, there is a lot of pressure to go big or go home.

But there is a lot more to it than that.

You doing you, for you

Ultimately, most of us want to make fitness, health, and wellness a part of our lives for the rest of our lives. Sure, we may have short-term goals: lose 10 pounds for that upcoming reunion, carve out some abs for your vacation, or even train for a specific event.

Goals like these are a great way to keep you motivated – we humans like to have something to work toward!

Underlying all that is the way we feel when we move our bodies. Yoga in particular, as a moving meditation, is a way of using our bodies and minds together for our enhanced health.

The benefits of yoga are many: improved flexibility, mobility, and strength, better balance, and support for stress and anxiety. For some it takes on a spiritual undertone as well.

But what happens when you are all psyched up to get into yoga and reap all those benefits and the class you go to has movements you do not like, are uncomfortable performing, and it seems like there are no alternatives?


The good news is that there are other things you can do – lots of them! Some teachers make a point of including variations of postures to make sure you have something that works for you.

A variation is simply an alternate way to do something. Like the image of the planks above. Maybe you do them on your hands and toes. Or forearms and toes. Maybe your knees are down. All these versions of planks are valid and can be considered viable. Sometimes you may need to change up a transition to get in or out of them but that is all part of the variation adventure!

The tricky part may be that you are in a class where those variations are not taught or even mentioned. Or, far worse, mentioned but in a way that makes you feel “less than” if you take them.

You can approach your teacher after class and ask for some other ways of doing the postures in question. Most teachers are happy to give you some ideas on how else to move through an asana.

And for those that tend to look down their nose at your wish for another way to do something? Go to a different teacher! Yes, yoga teachers should be all love and light, but they are also human. As such, they follow the bell curve just like any other group of people. Some are amazing, some, well, not so much. Or maybe they are amazing for someone else, just not for you.


Similar to variations, options give you something else to do other than the exact posture being shown. The primary difference between an option and a variation is that variations are basically the same movement, done differently. Options, on the other hand, are things you can do in place of the movement being performed.

Using our plank example, you may choose to put table in place of plank. While similar in nature to a plank – you are on all fours – the workload is different. If plank is problematic for you because of a back issue, table may work since there is little stress on the back.

Different but equal

The biggest takeaway here is that your practice is yours alone. Each one of us have little differences in our bodies that make some postures difficult to get into. You may have injuries to work with. Maybe you’re just tired today!

Each day you need to assess how you are feeling and what will work best for you. One day you may be ready for plankapalooza! Then the next day you are secretly hoping for an hour-long savasana.

Having options and variations in your arsenal will allow you to adapt to where you are mentally and physically every time you get on your mat. Which in turn will help you maintain your yoga habit. And that my friends is how you make fitness, health, and wellness a part of your life for the rest of your life.

It’s time to get away from ideas about advanced yoga or beginner yoga, progressions and regressions, and other terminology that puts a box around movement. Health is health, and we need to do all we can to enhance it!

Want to see some of these movement patterns in action? Check out my series on Instagram!

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍



Adventure is the name of the 2024 game – at least for me.

I believe in setting intentions and choosing a word or two for the year rather than resolutions. It’s about bringing a mindset into everything I do. Resolutions tend to go by the wayside come February. When I want to make changes in how I live my life, I start with attitude!

Enter “Adventure”!

I’m not going to lie – I am a planner. A reserved planner at that. And yet…I still love a good adventure. After all, think about the stories you retell most. Don’t they often have a measure of unpredictability to them? Things went crazy or you let yourself go with the flow? Some of my biggest life changes started with some significant risks involved and still turned out to be the best thing I could have done.

I am committed to bringing that sense of adventure to my life in big and small ways this year. The biggest difference between adventure and adversity is attitude! Not that I want to run headlong into bad situations and try to call it adventure.

I want to shift my “oh no, what now?” reactions to “oh, this is interesting!”. I feel like the best way to practice that is to put myself in the way of adventure.

And of course, bring you along!

Micro Adventure Lab

I’ve put together a curated list of Micro Adventures – plus a few bigger things – to ease into the mindset shift. Many of these adventures are free or low cost with a few splurges included. Some can be completed in one weekend and others are designed to carry forward through a few weeks or even become a habit.

The idea is to go a bit outside your norms. For example, the first adventure on the list is to explore a local park. That means check out a park you have never been to before, not the same one you walk your dog at 3 times a week. In a nutshell, discover something new!

The 52 Micro Adventure list

1.      Explore a Local Park:
Take a leisurely stroll through a nearby park, focusing on appreciating the natural surroundings.

2.      Photography Challenge:
Capture a series of 10 photos that highlight the beauty of your everyday surroundings.
3.      Volunteer at a Community Garden:
Spend a day planting, weeding, and connecting with local community members.
4.      Try a New Recipe:
Experiment with a cuisine you’ve never attempted before, and share the results with friends or family.

5.      Book Club Adventure:
Join a local book club or start one with friends, and commit to reading one book a month.
6.      Yoga Retreat at Home:
Dedicate a weekend to practicing yoga and mindfulness, using online resources or attending local classes.
7.      Outdoor Movie Night:
Arrange a backyard movie night with friends, complete with blankets, popcorn, and a classic film.
8.      Art Class or Workshop:
Sign up for a local art class or workshop to discover and develop your artistic talents.
9.      Day of Pampering:
Treat yourself to a spa day at home, complete with DIY face masks, bath salts, and relaxation.
10.     Local History Exploration:
Visit a nearby museum or historical site to learn more about the heritage of your community.
11.     Learn a Musical Instrument:
Pick up a budget-friendly instrument and commit to learning a few songs over the next month.
12.     Creative Writing Challenge:
Write a short story or poem and share it with a writing group or online platform.

13.     Beach Day Getaway:
Spend a day at the beach, soaking up the sun and enjoying the calming sound of the waves.
14.     Hiking Adventure:
Explore a local trail or nature reserve, aiming to complete a new hike each month.
15.     DIY Home Decor Project:
Refresh your living space by taking on a small DIY home decor project.

16.     Plant a Garden:
Cultivate a small garden, whether it’s flowers, herbs, or vegetables, and enjoy watching it flourish.
17.     Mindfulness Meditation Challenge:
Practice mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes daily for a week, gradually extending the duration.
18.     Explore Local Farmers’ Markets:
Discover and support local farmers by visiting nearby farmers’ markets.
19.     Host a Potluck Dinner:
Organize a potluck gathering with friends, encouraging everyone to bring their favorite dish.
20.     Cultural Cuisine Night:
Cook or order food from a different culture and enjoy a themed dinner night at home.
21.     Learn a Dance Style:
Take dance lessons, either in person or online, and master the basics of a new dance style.
22.     Picnic in the Park:
Pack a picnic basket with your favorite treats and spend a relaxing afternoon in a local park.
23.     Nature Sketching:
Bring a sketchbook to a nature spot and spend time sketching the beauty around you.
24.     DIY Craft Workshop:
Attend a local craft workshop or organize a crafting day with friends.
25.     Fitness Challenge:
Set a fitness goal, like walking a certain number of steps each day, and track your progress.

26.     Museum Exploration:
Visit a museum you’ve never been to before and immerse yourself in its exhibits.
27.     Mindful Eating Experiment:
Practice mindful eating by savoring each bite and paying attention to the flavors and textures.
28.     Local Theater Night:
Attend a local theater production or watch a live performance, supporting the arts in your community.
29.     Scenic Drive Adventure:
Take a scenic drive to a nearby town or countryside and explore the sights along the way.

museum day

30.     DIY Spa Day:
Create a spa day at home, complete with DIY facial masks, bath salts, and soothing music.
31.     Learn a New Language:
Dedicate 10 minutes each day to learning a new language using language learning apps.
32.     Sunset Photography Challenge:
Capture the beauty of sunsets in different locations over the course of a month.
33.     Explore a New Coffee Shop:
Discover a new local coffee shop and treat yourself to a relaxing afternoon with a good book.
34.     Declutter and Donate:
Declutter your living space and donate items to a local charity or thrift store.
35.     Art Gallery Visit:
Spend a day exploring local art galleries and appreciating the creativity of local artists.
36.     Cooking Class:
Join a cooking class, either in person or online, to enhance your culinary skills.
37.     Creative Journaling:
Start a creative journal, incorporating art, writing, and reflections on your daily experiences.
38.     Birdwatching Adventure:
Explore a nearby nature reserve or park and observe the diverse bird species in the area.
39.     Mind-Body Connection Workshop:
Attend a workshop or class that focuses on the mind-body connection, such as yoga or tai chi.
40.     Stargazing Night:
Spend an evening stargazing, either in your backyard or at a local observatory.
41.     DIY Flower Arranging:
Purchase fresh flowers and learn the art of flower arranging to create beautiful bouquets.
42.     Visit a Farmers’ Market:
Explore a local farmers’ market, sampling fresh produce and supporting local farmers.
43.     Online Learning Adventure:
Enroll in an online course or workshop on a topic that interests you.
44.     Wine Tasting Evening:
Arrange a wine tasting evening with friends, each bringing a bottle to share and discuss.
45.     Learn a New Language:
Use an app or program to get started or sign up for a class at a local community college.

Vino & Vinyasa

46.     Local Yoga Retreat:
Book a yoga retreat in a nature-filled location, focusing on relaxation and mindfulness.
47.     Learn to Knit or Crochet:
Pick up knitting or crocheting and create a cozy scarf or blanket over the next month.
48.     Walking Meditation Challenge:
Practice walking meditation daily for a week, focusing on each step taken.
49.     Explore a New Hobby:
Find some time to dedicate to exploring a new hobby, whether it’s painting, pottery, or photography.

50.     DIY Movie Marathon:
Choose a theme and host a movie marathon night at home with friends or family.
51.     Visit a Botanical Garden:
Spend a day exploring the beauty of a local botanical garden and learning about different plant species.
52.     Hot Air Balloon Ride:
Splurge on a hot air balloon ride for a breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

What’s on YOUR adventure list?

I’ve included things that appeal to me, but what about you? What would you put on this list?

Even when times are tough, money is tight, and time is scarce, you can carve out some time to explore and expand your world. It’s part of what makes you well, you. Learning, experiencing and growing are all key elements to leading a fulfilling life.

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us onΒ Instagram,Β Facebook, YouTube, andΒ Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍


We all have some favorite yoga things that we cannot live without.

As a yoga teacher, I have a few extras that the average student probably isn’t hauling around: business cards, a QR code to my latest retreat (Vino & Vinyasa on January 27th, 2024), and an iPad for my yoga class notes and music.

But some of the other things I’ve got rolling around in there are indispensable for every yogi.

*Check out the links to my faves in the sidebar πŸ‘‰

Favorite First

Actually, it’s my bag itself. The Uhawi Yoga Mat Tote is pretty awesome. I primarily love it because it is BIG! I carry around a lot of stuff and I can fit it all in there without too much difficulty. This is a big deal to me since I have gone through several yoga bags already. I just couldn’t get it all in! Or if I did it was a wrestling match to get there.

It comes in a few colors – black, grey, blue, and purple. So you have choices! It may not be as “cute” as some of my past bags, but seriously, the functionality beats the form on this one.

Second Favorite

I LOVE MY MAT! I am obsessed! My Manduka Pro mat is ahhhh-mazing. I have been through quite a few mats and this one truly is the end all be all, IMHO.

I’ve bought the $8-$12 mats at a discount store. Notice I said mats, plural. You get what you pay for. Lots of cute designs BUT no longevity! The mats flaked and stretched out. Additionally, they didn’t really have enough cushion for my joints.

Next up, I tried mats with more cushion. The problem was too much cushion. There wasn’t enough stability in balance poses and they were too stretchy. My down dog turned into a plank without me moving a muscle.

Then I got serious and got my first Manduka Pro. They are not inexpensive ($100+). BUT they have a lifetime guarantee. So if you add up what you would spend on the inexpensive mats, you will pretty quickly surpass the cost of a Manduka mat.

To make it even better, they are made to give high-density cushion. Ultra-dense, 6 mm cushioning provides superior support, stability, and joint protection, along with comfort on any surface. This does make them a bit heavier than the average mat.

Plus they are responsibly made. Each mat is meticulously handmade in an emissions-free German facility with 100% latex-free PVC that has been certified STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX.

I now have had 2 of these mats for 8+ years – and they still look and perform like new.

Fave #3

The number 3 spot goes to my cork Gaiam yoga blocks.

One of the number one reasons people give for not trying yoga is that they are not flexible enough. Answer: BLOCKS! They remove that excuse because they allow you to safely reach the floor and maintain proper alignment.

I believe blocks should be a non-negotiable in your practice. They bring the floor closer to you. Blocks allow you to begin to master positions that you might otherwise compromise your safety to achieve. You can start with the block in its tallest position and gradually work your way to lower positions. Eventually, you may be able to reach without the block!

I chose cork blocks even though they are a bit heavy to lug around. The heaviness speaks to their stability, something I feel is a bit lacking in a foam block. I will admit, foam is a little more comfortable if you are lying on the block though.

Final Favorite

Last but not least is my yoga strap. I like to think of them as making my arms longer.

Similar to your blocks, the strap allows you to reach without jeopardizing your form. You get assistance in a stretch or a position. Over time, you will be able to increase your flexibility in that position.

I don’t have a specific brand that I am hooked on; any will usually do the trick. You can even use your towel in some cases. You just need something you can wrap around the area you are trying to reach, like a foot or shin.

Favorites Thoughts

At the end of the day, the items you choose to include in your yoga repertoire may differ. These are the ones that I can’t do without.

Of course, your budget will come into play. Keep in mind, if you love yoga and practice frequently, VALUE and COST are two different things. If you buy items that don’t hold up over time, you may save a few dollars initially (cost) but spend more over time (value). You will want to weigh out what makes the most sense for you.

I would love to hear about some of your favorite items and/or brands. Let’s share the love with the rest of the LAYLO Shala! πŸ’•

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍


As the doors to our Vino & Vinyasa Retreat have opened, one of the first things people have questions about is the sound bath that is part of the retreat.

Sound baths, a unique experience gaining popularity for its potential to enhance well-being, is not a new practice. In fact sound has been used for centuries to move people, to soothe them, to stir them up, and even to irritate them!

Sound baths have a solid foundation in science. As we have learned more about how our brains work, we have been able to acutally observe the powerful effect that the sound bath can have on us. While you can check it out on YouTube, the best way to understand it is to experience it. But first, let’s explore the scientific aspects that make this practice more than just a melodic meditation.

What is a Sound Bath?

Imagine immersing yourself in a cocoon of soothing sounds, created by various instruments that may include singing bowls, gongs, and even tuning forks. That’s essentially what a sound bath entails – a therapeutic session where vibrations wash over you. The result is a calming and immersive auditory experience.

The Science of Vibration:

Now, let’s get down to why sound baths work. At the core of this practice is the science of vibration. Every instrument used in a sound bath produces vibrations that travel through the air and water, impacting the body at a cellular level. These vibrations can stimulate a relaxation response, helping to reduce stress and promote a sense of tranquility.

Brainwave Entrainment

One of the key scientific principles behind sound baths is brainwave entrainment. Our brains naturally synchronize with external stimuli, such as rhythmic sounds. The gentle, repetitive tones in a sound bath can guide your brainwaves into a more relaxed state. For some it is a similar feeling to the peacefulness experienced during meditation or deep relaxation exercises.

Binaural Beats Unveiled

Enter binaural beats, the unsung heroes of the sound bath experience. Binaural beats are the result of two slightly different frequencies played in each ear. This creates a third frequency, the binaural beat, perceived by the brain. Studies suggest that exposure to these beats can influence brainwave patterns, potentially inducing states of relaxation or focus.

The Brain’s Symphony

Our brains are complex orchestras of electrical activity, producing different types of brainwaves depending on our mental state. Binaural beats, when calibrated correctly, are thought to encourage the brain to synchronize with the desired frequency, leading to a range of effects from enhanced meditation to improved sleep.

Stress Reduction and Cortisol Levels

In our fast-paced lives, stress is a common companion. The soothing sounds of a sound bath can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the “rest and digest” response. This activation promotes a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels – the notorious stress hormone.

Enhanced Mindfulness and Focus

Regular sound bath sessions may contribute to improved mindfulness and focus. As you immerse yourself in the harmonious sounds, the external distractions fade away. This may allow your mind to achieve a state of heightened awareness. This increased mindfulness can positively impact your ability to concentrate and remain present in the moment.

The Physical Benefits of a Sound Bath

Beyond the mental and emotional benefits, sound baths may have a positive effect on the physical body. Some enthusiasts report relief from tension, improved sleep, and a general sense of rejuvenation after a session. While individual experiences may vary, the overall impact on well-being is worth exploring.

This is just a brief glimpse into the scientific underpinnings of sound baths. Regardless of where you are on your wellness journey, incorporating sound baths might be the key to unlocking a more relaxed and balanced you. Give it a try, and let the vibrations guide you on your path to well-being.

laylo yoga and wellness

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍