I promise I am not opposed to headstands. BUT, hear me out on this. As a yoga teacher, I don’t practice headstands. Or legs behind the head pose. Or scorpion pose. Any posture that requires advanced flexibility is not for me and I don’t teach them in my classes or on my retreats.

And that’s okay.

No. Really.

I believe yoga is for everyone.

That means each person can take it where they want to go. You may wish to continuously increase your flexibility and mobility. You may want to practice in advanced movement. I am happy to refer any of my students who are interested in those things to the right teachers for them.

There are so many facets to yoga, and so many ways you can approach it.

There is a lot of controversy around this philosophy. Many yoga teachers are yoga purists who feel that the practice is part of an overall spiritual journey. They aren’t too happy about yoga being a physical practice for some people. Or a social and community bonding experience. Or basically anything other than a full spiritual experience.

If your approach focuses on the physicality of advanced movement – go for it! Conversely, if you are seeking a spiritual path and yoga is part of that; awesome! If you aren’t quite sure what your approach is, find out by taking this quick quiz.

I want to participate in and create a different experience.

For me, yoga is about enhancing your life. Yes, creating the flexibility and mobility needed to continue to do things you want to do in your everyday life. Headstands, not so much a part of daily life.

I love the physicality of yoga! The strength I feel when I practice, the challenge of movement. In addition, I am really drawn to the mind/body connection it creates.

Look, if you read the series My Journey to Yoga Retreat Specialist, you also know that my entire career has been in the fitness industry. So it is natural for me to find focus in the physical action of yoga.

Fitness, for me, also created a strong mind/body connection. A hard ride in a cycle class really let me blow off some steam! The intricate movements and high cardio output of a good old-fashioned step class helped me appreciate how my body moves through space. And boxing? Please – talk about building a feeling of mental and physical strength!

Yoga takes that mind/body connection to the next level.


Fitness is the broad strokes: blowing off steam, building spatial awareness, and increasing mental strength.

Yoga gets down to the cellular level. Connecting your brain to your breath so you can self-regulate your nervous system. Speeding up the messages from your foot to your brain so you can maintain balance. Finding awareness of your thoughts and learning to allow them to pass on by.

This is the juicy stuff people!

Focus on making your life better.

Just to reiterate, I think advanced poses are pretty cool. Many would argue that those postures really do enhance your life – greater control, overcoming your body’s objections, and some pretty impressive flexibility/mobility. I don’t doubt it.

My personal mission, though, is to meet people where they are.

My tribe are people in the midst of juggling kids, careers, aging parents, and their own aging bodies. The crowd that resonates with my style wants to slow down, master, and enjoy each posture. They want to leave their practice feeling calmer, stronger, and accomplished.

Life is pretty crazy for a lot of us. Our schedules are packed, our laptops are always on, and we have instant knowledge, connectivity, and comparison in our purses, buzzing for attention all day long.

Personally, I don’t want to add legs behind my head to my to do list.

Calm, peace, and improved sleep and mental health mean more to me.

Studies show that participants who practiced yoga three times a week for eight weeks reported significant reductions in depression, anxiety, and neurotic symptoms, as well as mood improvements at the end of each class.

Yes, please!

Stepping into an advanced class might be a turn-off.

Part of meeting people where they are, for me, is making classes accessible. If you have never taken a yoga class before, you will be able to get through mine! I teach every class as if there is a brand-new participant in the room. I teach to them.

Those that have been practicing for a while, are able to hone their skills and dig in a little deeper with each practice.

If you have mastered advanced movement? You can still benefit from reviewing some of the more basic postures AND you will have the opportunity to level up to where you are at with a pose at any time.

I’m not everybody’s cup of tea, but I am somebody’s double martini!

Every yoga teacher has their own style, approach, and focus. That is what makes it so incredible!

It is important that you: A) understand what YOUR approach is so you know what kind of teacher will resonate with you B) aren’t afraid to hunt around for the right fit and C) realize that your approach may broaden and/or change over time.

It’s all good!

P.S. Let’s be besties!! Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍


Make Yoga Your Own!

Yoga is a transformative practice that has been embraced by millions around the world for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

Diving into a yoga practice doesn’t have to be scary though! Although it has ancient roots, it continues to evolve as it finds its way into various cultures and communities.

There is something anyone and everyone, at any stage of life, can benefit from!

One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is that it can be adapted to suit the unique needs, preferences, and goals of each practitioner. Let’s explore how you can make yoga your own and create a personalized practice that resonates with your individuality.

Discover Your Intention

The first step in making yoga your own is to identify your intention. Ask yourself why you want to start a practice and what you hope to achieve through it. Your intention could be anything from improving flexibility, reducing stress, finding inner peace, building strength, or enhancing mindfulness. Understanding your purpose will help you choose the right style of practice and guide you on your journey. Still not sure? Take this quiz to find out what your approach to yoga is.

Explore Different Yoga Styles

Yoga offers a diverse range of styles, each with its own unique approach and focus. Experiment with various styles, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin, Kundalini, or Restorative yoga. Attend different classes or explore online tutorials to experience the essence of each style. This exploration will help you discover which style aligns best with your intentions and resonates with your body and mind.

Listen to Your Body

Your body is unique, and your yoga practice should reflect that. Pay close attention to how your body responds to different poses and movements. Be mindful of your limitations, but also challenge yourself to grow. Modify poses as needed to suit your flexibility and strength levels, and don’t push yourself into discomfort or injury. Yoga is about embracing and celebrating your body’s capabilities rather than forcing it into unnatural shapes.

Create a Personal Space

Designate a special space for your practice. It doesn’t have to be large or elaborate; it can be a corner of your room or a spot in the park. Make this space inviting and inspiring by adding elements that resonate with you, such as candles, plants, or meaningful objects. Having a dedicated space will make your practice feel more personal and help you establish a consistent routine.

Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation

Yoga extends beyond the physical postures; it includes mindfulness and meditation practices as well. Embrace these aspects and incorporate them into your routine. Meditation can be as simple as focusing on your breath or practicing gratitude. These practices will deepen your connection to your practice and offer additional benefits for your mental well-being.

Use Props and Accessories

Yoga props, such as blocks, straps, bolsters, and blankets, can enhance your practice and make it more accessible. Props can help you maintain proper alignment, support your body in challenging poses, and deepen your stretches. Experiment with various props to find what works best for you and don’t hesitate to use them whenever needed.

Be Patient with Yourself

Remember that yoga is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and avoid comparing your progress to others. Every individual’s journey is unique, and progress may be slow at times. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and acknowledge that setbacks are a natural part of growth.

Making yoga your own is a beautiful process of self-discovery and self-expression. By setting intentions, exploring different styles, listening to your body, creating a personal space, embracing mindfulness, using props, and practicing patience, you can craft a yoga practice that resonates with your individuality.

Remember that the most authentic and fulfilling yoga experience is the one that aligns with your heart and soul. Embrace the journey and let yoga enrich your life in ways beyond the physical realm.

Want to Immerse Yourself?

A yoga retreat is just the thing to reboot yourself, mind, body, and soul. Not sure what to expect? Check out this article or visit our retreat page!