What does it mean to feed your mind? Are we talking about the old adage “seafood is brain food”?

Not exactly. I am talking about a sometimes overlooked but essential aspect of our overall well-being—intellectual wellness.

Just like our physical and emotional health, our minds need to be exercised and nurtured to stay sharp and vibrant, especially as we navigate busy careers, personal lives, and the inevitable changes that come with age.

We are going to break down simple ways to incorporate intellectual wellness into your life, with ideas for daily habits, monthly goals, and even long-term ambitions to keep your mind sharp. Whether you’re new to this concept or simply looking for new ways to challenge yourself, these tips will help you foster a sense of growth and curiosity that transcends your everyday routines.

What Is Intellectual Wellness?

Intellectual wellness is about keeping your brain active, engaged, and continually learning, but it’s not just about work or career development. It’s about curiosity, interest, and the joy of learning for learning’s sake. For many of us, once we’ve completed formal education, we may assume we’ve “finished” learning. However, our brains remain hungry for new ideas and stimulation.

As a wellness enthusiast, I encourage you to keep feeding your mind with topics that interest you, new skills, and creative challenges. This isn’t necessarily about personal development in a career sense—though it can certainly help there too. Instead, it’s about exploring areas of curiosity outside of your day-to-day responsibilities. Intellectual wellness can also be a valuable outlet if you’re feeling mentally fatigued or bored with the monotony of daily life.

For instance, while my career focuses on yoga and wellness, I have a deep love for physics—specifically quantum physics and astrophysics. Now, math isn’t my strong suit, so it’s not something I could ever pursue professionally, but it’s a topic I find fascinating. This intellectual curiosity allows me to engage my brain in a way that is entirely separate from my work, giving me a fresh perspective and new mental challenges.

The Importance of Intellectual Wellness for Gen X

For those of us Gen X women like myself and you, — intellectual wellness plays a significant role in keeping us engaged with the world. Whether you’re juggling professional responsibilities, taking care of aging parents, or navigating menopause, it’s easy to let personal intellectual growth slip down the list of priorities. However, continually learning and challenging yourself can help combat the mental fatigue that often accompanies this season of life.

Staying intellectually sharp isn’t just about expanding your knowledge; it’s about keeping your mind agile as you age. Gen X women in particular often face a combination of professional pressure and personal responsibilities, making it difficult to carve out time for intellectual pursuits. But by incorporating small, manageable habits into your routine, you can foster intellectual growth without adding to your already full plate.

Daily Habits to Boost Your Intellectual Wellness

The first step toward enhancing your intellectual wellness is integrating it into your daily life in small, manageable ways. You don’t need to overhaul your schedule or commit to hours of study each day—start with bite-sized habits.

One of the easiest ways to engage your mind daily is by reading or listening to content on topics that excite you. Whether it’s an article, a book, or a podcast, the goal is to dive into subjects that ignite your curiosity. And remember, this doesn’t have to be work-related or tied to personal development—it’s about exploring areas that simply fascinate you.

Maybe you’re fascinated by the history of Africa. Or perhaps you’re keen to understand the political landscape of the Middle East more deeply. You might be interested in learning a new language, such as Italian, or studying art.

These intellectual pursuits don’t have to align with your career or personal development goals—they’re just for you.

Reading is my go-to daily habit for keeping my brain engaged. Since I’m fascinated by physics, I read articles, books, and even listen to podcasts to deepen my understanding of the subject. Reading different perspectives from experts in the field helps me comprehend complex concepts that may initially seem out of reach. Believe me, if I can navigate the intricacies of quantum physics in my free time, imagine what you could explore in a subject that truly excites you!

Monthly Goals: Take It a Step Further

While daily habits like reading are essential, pushing yourself further with a monthly goal can lead to even deeper intellectual growth. A great way to expand on your daily learning is by enrolling in a class or workshop on the subject that interests you. There are tons of resources available online, from community college courses to platforms like Udemy, where you can find classes on almost anything under the sun.

Consider dedicating time each month to more structured learning. Whether you want to improve your knowledge of world history, learn to code, or master a new language, there are endless opportunities to grow intellectually. Taking a class can help you move beyond the casual pursuit of knowledge and really start to master the subject.

In today’s digital world, you can find high-quality courses on virtually any subject, often without even leaving your home. From prestigious university programs to more relaxed platforms like Skillshare, there’s something for everyone, regardless of time or budget. It’s all about finding what excites you and committing to deepening your understanding.

Be Mindful of Where You Get Your Information

While it’s easier than ever to access information, it’s important to be discerning about where you get that information. Social media can be a great tool for connecting with like-minded individuals or exploring different philosophical perspectives, but it’s not always the most reliable source for hard facts. Be mindful of echo chambers and misinformation, especially when researching complex or controversial topics.

For intellectual wellness, aim to gather your information from credible sources, such as scientific journals, trusted news outlets, or accredited educational platforms. This ensures that the information you’re consuming is accurate and reliable, which is essential when you’re working to form a deeper understanding of a subject.

Yearly Goals: Set Big Ambitions

In addition to daily and monthly goals, setting a yearly intellectual goal can give you something bigger to strive for. This could be a certification or even pursuing a degree in a subject you’re passionate about. While a degree may take multiple years, setting a long-term educational goal helps you stay focused and motivated.

Another great intellectual goal is to understand a topic so well that you can teach it to someone else. They say the best way to master a subject is to explain it to others. You’ll know you’ve grasped the material if you can break down complex ideas and communicate them clearly. It’s a great challenge and keeps you intellectually stimulated.

Intellectual Wellness and Social Growth

One of the hidden benefits of intellectual wellness is its impact on your social life. Staying intellectually engaged can help you connect with people you might not otherwise meet. Whether you’re sharing your love of history with a new friend or discussing the latest scientific discoveries at a dinner party, having interesting topics to discuss opens doors to new social interactions.

In fact, intellectual growth can enhance your emotional health as well. By engaging in meaningful conversations and broadening your perspectives, you may find yourself feeling more connected to others and less isolated in your everyday life. It’s a win-win for both your intellectual and emotional wellness.

What Will You Explore Next?

I’d love to hear what topics or areas of curiosity you’re passionate about. What subjects are you planning to explore in the next few days, months, or even years? Share your intellectual goals in the comments below—whether it’s taking a course, reading a new book, or simply diving deeper into a subject that’s piqued your interest.

Remember, nurturing your mind is a lifelong journey. Keep your intellectual spark alive, and always be open to learning something new. It’s never too late to start!

laylo yoga and wellness

Isn’t it time to leave burnout behind and lead a life that makes YOU a priority? Consider rebooting your mind and body with one of our wellness retreats! Designed specifically to immerse you in an environment that takes you out of your daily grind, you will be able to focus on crafting your life in a way that honors your family and career while carving out time to pursue interests that excite you so you can feel balanced, fulfilled, and calm. Get on the info list so you know what is happening, when, and where!

P.S. Let’s get to know each other better!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍


Environmental wellness is a key aspect of holistic living that often goes overlooked.

Whether it’s your personal surroundings or your impact on the planet, your environment plays a crucial role in your well-being.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the complexity of our environment. The problems can seem too big to tackle, rather it is our own personal space or looking at the bigger picture of the issues facing our planet.

The key is making small, manageable changes to improve both your space and your environmental footprint. Check out some of the ways you can make a difference starting today.

What Is Environmental Wellness?

Environmental wellness can mean different things to different people, but it generally refers to the state of your physical surroundings. It could be your home, office, or even the broader global environment.

The goal is to create spaces that reflect the energy you want to bring into the world and improve your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Start Small: Make Daily Environmental Changes

One of the easiest ways to begin improving your environmental wellness is by making small, daily changes. For example, you could start by committing to a simple task like recycling. Whether it’s taking out your cardboard waste for recycling or beginning a composting routine for organic matter, small steps can make a big difference.

I’m not going to lie – when recycling first became a thing you could do at your home, I was not all that into it. Partly because it was new – previously, you had to find a place to recycle your newspapers, bottles, and cans. Partly because it was initially a cumbersome process. We had little tiny bins to sort into, and extra stuff to now carry out to the curb. Not fun in the often rainy weather in Seattle!

Over time, it became easier to manage. I got used to it and the process itself became easier to manage.

It’s easy to feel beaten down by the larger environmental issues we face, but it’s essential to focus on what’s manageable for you. My motto is: “Never should all over yourself.” If you think of something as a “should,” it probably doesn’t align with your personal values. Instead, find small, sustainable actions that resonate with you.

Expand Your Impact with Monthly Environmental Goals

If you feel ready to take on more, try setting monthly environmental goals. For instance, you could participate in a community cleanup or simply pick up trash while walking in your neighborhood. If your community has dog waste stations, you might volunteer to replace the bags. Look for other simple ways to contribute; they are out there.

By committing a small amount of time each month, you not only improve your surroundings but also connect with your community and foster a deeper sense of purpose.

Declutter Your Personal Environment

Decluttering is another important aspect of environmental wellness. Consider setting a yearly decluttering goal, tackling one room of your home each month. Decluttering not only reduces physical clutter but also clears mental space, making your home a more peaceful, organized environment.

Before you start, think about what you want to do with items you no longer need. Could they be donated, recycled, or gifted to a friend or family member? Next, create a system to determine what stays and what goes by asking yourself questions like:

  • Have I used this in the last six months?
  • Does this item bring me joy or positive memories?
  • Is it just taking up space?

As one quirky piece of advice I heard recently goes, “If a piece of dog poop got on this item, would you go through the effort to clean it, or would you toss it out?” While it might seem humorous, it’s an effective way to assess the true value of your belongings.

Every Small Step Matters

At the end of the day, environmental wellness isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. By making small, manageable changes, you can create a more sustainable and peaceful environment for yourself and contribute positively to the planet.

The idea is to create a sense of stewardship over your surroundings. It brings a sense of calm, contribution, and pride that is a huge support to your overall sense of well-being.

Stay up-to-date on all things Radical Wellness with our digital eBook “Radical Wellness: Self-care to Reboot, Recharge, and Reconnect” and/or follow along with our series on YouTube!

laylo yoga and wellness

Isn’t it time to leave burnout behind and lead a life that makes YOU a priority? Consider rebooting your mind and body with one of our wellness retreats! Designed specifically to immerse you in an environment that takes you out of your daily grind, you will be able to focus on crafting your life in a way that honors your family and career while carving out time to pursue interests that excite you so you can feel balanced, fulfilled, and calm. Get on the info list so you know what is happening, when, and where!

P.S. Let’s get to know each other better!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍


Creative Wellness? “But I’m not an artist!” I understand! My Pictionary art stops at stick figures. But there is so much more to being creative.

You know the importance of wellness, but let’s be honest—between work, family, and the million other responsibilities on your plate, finding time for self-care can feel like one more task on an already overloaded to-do list.

So the real questions are: what is creative wellness, do I need to add this to my plate, and if so, how?

What is Creative Wellness?

When you hear the word “creative,” you might immediately think of art—painting, drawing, or maybe even music. But here’s the thing: creativity isn’t just about being artistic. It’s about tapping into that part of yourself that loves to create, whatever form that might take.

Maybe you’re not the type who enjoys sketching or playing an instrument. That’s okay! Creative wellness is about finding what lights you up.

It could be as simple as writing in a journal, cultivating a beautiful garden, or even redecorating a room in your home. It’s about giving yourself permission to think outside the box and explore what truly brings you joy.

Why Creative Wellness Matters for You

You might thrive on structure, goals, and results. But the same drive that propels your success can sometimes lead to burnout if you don’t balance it with activities that nurture your soul. That’s where creative wellness comes in.

Engaging in creative activities allows you to step out of your daily grind and give your mind a chance to rest and rejuvenate. It’s not just about relaxing; it’s about sparking inspiration and innovation in all areas of your life.

When you nurture your creative side, you often find that other parts of your life begin to flourish as well.

How to Incorporate Creative Wellness into Your Life

The great news is that creative wellness doesn’t require hours of your day. Start small. Here’s how you can begin:

Daily Creativity:

Devote just 5-10 minutes a day to your creative outlet. These small moments of creativity can make a big impact over time. Here are some ideas:

  • Journaling: Whether you’re jotting down thoughts, doodling, or writing poetry, journaling can be a wonderful daily practice. Start with a simple gratitude journal or explore free writing to let your thoughts flow without judgment.
  • Photography: You don’t need a fancy camera—use your smartphone to capture a moment that inspires you each day. Whether it’s the morning light on your coffee cup or a beautiful flower on your walk, this practice helps you see beauty in the mundane.
  • Cooking: If you enjoy cooking, try experimenting with a new recipe or creating your own. Even if it’s just adding a twist to a familiar dish, this can be a fun and delicious way to express your creativity daily.
  • Music: Play an instrument for a few minutes, or if you don’t play, create a playlist that reflects your mood or aspirations for the day. Singing along to your favorite tunes can also be a fantastic creative release. You don’t have to be good; you just have to love it!

Monthly Projects:

Consider setting a monthly creative goal. This allows you to dive deeper into a project and see tangible results. Here are some ideas:

  • Gardening: Start a small herb garden on your balcony or windowsill. Research which herbs thrive in your environment and plant them. Watching your herbs grow and then using them in your cooking is incredibly rewarding.
  • Writing: Outline a short story, start a blog, or even draft a few chapters of a book you’ve always wanted to write. Setting aside time each week to develop your ideas will help you make steady progress toward your goal.
  • Crafting: Try your hand at a new craft each month. This could be knitting, pottery, scrapbooking, or even making your own candles. Choose a project that excites you and allows you to explore a new skill.
  • Photography Projects: Challenge yourself with a themed photography project. For example, document the changing seasons in your neighborhood or capture the daily life of your family from a unique perspective.

Yearly Goals:

Think big! If you’ve always dreamed of a major creative endeavor, make it your year-long project. Here are some ideas:

  • Novel Writing: If writing a novel is your dream, give yourself a year to make it happen. Start by outlining the plot and characters, then set monthly word count goals. By breaking it down into smaller tasks, you’ll stay motivated and on track.
  • Home Renovation: Want to redesign a room in your home? Use the year to plan, gather materials, and execute your vision. Whether it’s transforming your living room into a cozy retreat or creating a functional home office, take it step by step.
  • Artistic Mastery: Dedicate a year to mastering a particular art form. Whether it’s painting, sculpture, or digital art, commit to regular practice, taking classes, and creating a portfolio of your work by the end of the year.
  • Travel Photography: Plan a trip that focuses on capturing the essence of a place through photography. Research your destination, plan your shots, and create a stunning photo book by the end of the year to document your journey.

The Benefits of Creative Wellness

Incorporating creativity into your life doesn’t just make you feel good—it also enhances your overall well-being.

It’s a way to nourish your soul, give your brain a break from its usual routine, and even discover new passions.

Plus, it’s a fantastic way to relieve stress, which we all know is crucial for staying on top of your game.

So, where do you start? It’s simple. Begin by exploring what creative activities resonate with you. And remember, this is for you. Whether you’re crafting something to share with the world or just for your own enjoyment, the important thing is that you’re taking time to nurture this essential part of yourself.

Share Your Journey

I’d love to hear about your creative adventures! Share your experiences in the comments and let’s inspire each other to think outside the box. Together, we can build a community where wellness isn’t just another item on the to-do list, but a joyful and fulfilling part of our lives.

Until next time, keep creating and stay well!

laylo yoga and wellness

Isn’t it time to leave burnout behind and lead a life that makes YOU a priority? Consider rebooting your mind and body with one of our wellness retreats! Designed specifically to immerse you in an environment that takes you out of your daily grind, you will be able to focus on crafting your life in a way that honors your family and career while carving out time to pursue interests that excite you so you can feel balanced, fulfilled, and calm. Get on the info list so you know what is happening, when, and where!

P.S. Let’s get to know each other better!! Follow us on InstagramFacebookYouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, and join the LAYLO Shala to get the latest news and insider goodies 😍